Cat Welfare Association is dedicated to the care of and education about cats and kittens.
Our pledge is to cherish, nurture and provide veterinary care for homeless, abused, injured, and abandoned felines.
We strive to find each cat an appropriate, safe and loving home, allowing those not placed to live their lives in the care and comfort of our shelter.
BUDDY,relaxing at the shelter
Our primary intake is currently limited to pregnant, injured friendly stray cats and cats adopted from Cat Welfare. Please call the shelter to schedule an intake appointment. We do not schedule intake appointments via email.
Friendly stray cats not meeting the above criteria may be admitted to the shelter as space becomes available. Please call the shelter to reserve a spot on our waitlist.
For a list of other Central Ohio shelters and rescues please click here.
“ 740 cats/kittens adopted – from strays to family members!””
IVAN, enjoying his tunnel
The Cat Welfare Association was founded in 1945 by a small group of people who saw the need for an organization designed specifically to help the many stray and abused cats in the Columbus area. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to promote better care and understanding of cats while providing for the physical welfare of homeless cats and kittens.
The cats taken into our care are strays and frequently have been abused or injured. We give them plenty of tender loving care along with any necessary medical treatment they might need. Our shelter provides a home for these cats and kittens until they are adopted, whether it is for a short time or if they live out the rest of their lives in our shelter.
One thing that makes Cat Welfare so special is that cats that come into our shelter have a home with us until they are adopted. In some cases Cat Welfare, our staff, and volunteers become a kitty's permanent family and home.
In keeping with our mission and purpose:
847 cats and kittens admitted to the shelter, many with life-threatening injuries.
740 cats and kittens adopted into loving homes.
92 cents of every dollar were spent on direct program expenses.
$1.7 million in pledges and donations came in for the Capital Campaign.
286 felines cared for daily (on average).
1994 altering surgeries subsidized through Cat Welfare’s low cost spay and neuter programs.
91 companion cats received emergency medical treatment paid from Joey’s Good Sam Fund.
We received rave reviews from an OSU study on Cat Welfare’s intake and cleaning protocols.