Board Election


Vote on Four Open Board Seats by Jan. 19

The Cat Welfare Association’s Board election will be held on January 19, 2024, with voting by mail. If you are at least 18 years of age and have been a paid member of The Cat Welfare Association for at least the 12 months preceding January 2024, you are eligible to vote. To vote, cut out the ballot from the newsletter, or print it from below. Send the completed ballot to CWA Board Election, 741 Wetmore Road, Columbus, OH 43214. Please write your name and address on the envelope so that your voting privilege can be verified before the ballots are opened and counted. Processes are in place to ensure the confidentiality of your vote. Only one vote per membership, please. Votes must be received no later than noon on January 19.

Please select up to FOUR:

† Rose Ann Ballangee

† Amy Blank

† Jennifer Cordle

† Sue Godsey

† Brenda Martin

† Amanda Powell

Need help deciding? Candidate statements can be found on page 3 of our newsletter.