Make a Donation

The Cat Welfare Association relies on the generous support of our community. You are the reason we can do what we do. We accept one-time donations, as well as monthly recurring donations, and donations to the many funds below. We encourage you to consider a legacy gift such as a Bequest through your will or trust, a Charitable Gift Annuity, or other opportunities available to help us care for the cats of tomorrow. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Don’t forget to leave us a note on PayPal.
Please share if your donation is in honor of a loved one, for a birthday, or another special reason. Write a note just above where you enter your credit card details.

Give a one-time gift:

Set up a monthly recurring gift:

Please be sure to check the box titled Make this a monthly donation”


donate to a Specific cause:



For Cat Welfare to continue to provide our current services in the foreseeable future, we need to EXPAND our current shelter. We are launching a $3 million campaign to expand our facility on our existing property. YOU can make a difference by donating here. Or download a pledge form to make an ongoing commitment to the campaign here.

the SPAY & Neuter fund

The Spay & Neuter Fund helps us fight the problem of pet overpopulation by providing vital low-cost spay & neuter services to cats in the community through local veterinarians and spay & neuter clinics.

Download a mail-in form here.


The Guardian Angels Program

Because of their various medical or behavioral problems, many of the Guardian Angel cats featured on our Guardian Angels page are permanent residents of Cat Welfare. They will always have a home at Cat Welfare and, with your help, they can also benefit from extra care and attention. Your generous donation, which is tax deductible, will ensure these cats, and the other cats in our care, are provided with veterinary care, vaccinations, medicine, food, litter, toys, love, and a home at our shelter. Join the Guardian Angels Program today, and you can follow the life of a Cat Welfare cat, become involved in her life, and offer her some extra love and attention. Download a mail in form here.

See Guardian Angel page


The Vincent Fund

The Vincent Fund was established to help pay for unexpected vital medical care for our shelter cats. The fund is named after Victoria Bonner's cat Vincent. He was adopted from Cat Welfare in 1985 and sadly died of a terminal illness.

"I don't exactly know what to tell you about Vincent as over the years we have a whole collection of stories that are special to me. As we cat lovers know all cats are special, but there are a few that are even more special than the rest. Vincent was one of those. I adopted Vincent from Cat Welfare on 27 April 1985. He was two years old. He was my devoted feline companion, sharing my joys and sorrows, for 16 wonderful years – most of my adult life. He was my comfort and consoler during my divorce and the deaths of my mother (who was with me when I adopted him) and my grandmother (who actually picked-out his name). Even in his final moments, as I reassured him everything was alright, it was actually Vincent who was reassuring me. His passing has been exceptionally painful and difficult for me and it has left a void in my life. Vincent died very peacefully at home on 24 April 2001. He was 18. I hope the funds raised by The Vincent Fund can help other cats so future owners can experience the kind of joy that I did with my beloved Vincent."
–Victoria Bonner

Download a mail-in form here


The Ishie Memorial Fund

Funds from The Ishie Memorial Fund are used to care for the permanent residents of Cat Welfare. Sometimes a cat enters our shelter and, for whatever reason, finds itself making Cat Welfare it's permanent home. These cats are near and dear to our hearts and the staff, volunteers, and visitors of the shelter become their family. Ishie was one of those special kitties that lived at Cat Welfare in the 1980s.

Funds from this project are used to care for the permanent residents of Cat Welfare. Your memorial will be printed in the newsletter. Please, note in the memo field upon check-out the memorial you want listed.

Download a mail-in form here


The Adopt-A-Cage Program

$50 (renewable annually; will not be auto-renewed).

The Adopt-A-Cage Fund helps raise funds to pay for the direct care of the cats and the purchase of new cages and condos.

Download a mail-in form here


Willard's Village Babies Fund

The Willard’s Village Babies Fund helps feral cats and their advocates. This fund was set up in memory of a special colony cat named Willard that was helped by Cat Welfare. Willard was first seen in an established feral cat colony in 2004. He was more social than the cats that had been living in the colony for several years but was still standoffish. 

After being trapped and neutered, Willard lived at Cat Welfare for several months to see if he could be tamed and eventually put up for adoption. He did not adjust and so he was released back into the colony in February 2005. Over the years, Willard became friendlier with his caretakers and eventually became close enough with two to allow them to pet and cuddle him while he stayed away from other people. However, on April 14, 2009, Willard and the one other remaining cat in the colony were tormented by unknown assailants, and tragically Willard was killed.

His presence is greatly missed by all who knew him. The Willard’s Village Babies Fund was established to honor and remember Willard, while providing support to those special individuals who devote time and resources to altering feral cats to help minimize the cat overpopulation problem, as well as working to keep those cats healthy and living in a good environment.

Download a mail-in form here


Joey's Good Samaritan Fund

Joey’s Good Samaritan Fund, formerly known as The Good Sam Fund, provides assistance to owned cats who are in need of medical care beyond the financial ability of their family.

Joey’s Good Samaritan Fund will help keep beloved felines in their forever homes. The fund is named after the Liebert Family cat, Joey.

"Joey was born in 1997. He came into my life, as a kitten, 3 months after the loss of our first cat to a terrible illness. He was wonderful from the first day we brought him home; loving, cuddly, well-behaved, always with me. After his first year, he became an indoor-outdoor cat and loved every minute of his freedom to come and go. His first Christmas was exciting since he discovered that he could climb and explore the Christmas tree! As he got older, he was just happy to sit under the tree and enjoy it. He loved being outside during the summer - just lying around on the patio furniture soaking up the sun. Winter would find him sleeping on my laptop to keep warm! Joey was a fixture on our laps during TV time - he became so much a part of us for so many years. You could tell time by Joey. He would always come and go at specific times and you would always know where to find him during any time of the day. He loved his down comforter on the couch and his heated bed and condo in the garage. He continued to love his 24/7 freedom until the day he left us. I would like to think that we gave him a loving home and a wonderful life. We miss him terribly and think about him every day. In spirit he will always be with us - best friend and constant companion."

Download a mail-in form here


The Cat-A-Lack Chow Club

Did you know Cat Welfare goes through 30 pounds of dry food and 300 5.5 ounce cans of canned food every day, 365 days a year? Ever plan to drop off cat food at the shelter but time slipped away and you never made it? Donations to The Cat-A-Lack Chow Club help offset the cost of feeding the 250 wonderful felines at Cat Welfare.

Download a mail-in form here


General Building Fund

Caring for 250 cats requires continuous maintenance of the shelter. Our General Building Fund helps to support on-going interior and exterior upkeep. Download a mail in form here.



You know we care for a lot of cats, but did you know that on average, we use 600 pounds of litter daily? In November 2021, we were leveled with the news that Nestlé would no longer be producing Scamp brand litter. That meant we were facing an unexpected additional expense to the tune of $9,000 for 2022. While a frazzled human took to the Internet to research our best litter options, Emmy took to the drawing board and created Emmy’s Litter League.

For a commitment of $25 each month or a one-time donation of $250, you will help us offset our increased litter budget expense. Emmy has agreed to pen a monthly email to Litter League sponsors. Emmy also encourages Litter League sponsors to come in and give her love and affection. While she may have founded our Litter League, Emmy is, ironically enough, a permanent resident due to her aversion to the litter box. Life’s funny like that. Download a mail in form here.




Support The Cat Welfare Association with your Kroger Plus Card! Register your Kroger Plus card to designate Cat Welfare as your organization of choice, and we will receive a portion of the money you spend at Kroger. This is a quick and easy way to help Cat Welfare by simply buying the groceries you need - and there is no cost to you. Once on the Kroger Community Rewards website click on Sign In/Register under Welcome! Follow the easy steps online and enter NPO #83895.